About Me

I am a stay at home mom who ran out of room on the family blog to share her political inklings. Knowing most people just don't want to hear it, I made this blog. It's for those who do want to hear it, those who are just as wigged as I am about the "State" overrunning all our lives.

Growing up I had no real grasp of politics. When I turned 18, I voted for Bush. This was because I was "Republican." No other reason needed at the time. I truly had no idea that there were even options beyond the two main parties. And, frankly, I knew next to nothing about the main two parties' policies. Ignorance incarnate over here.

Then, in 2006, I met my wonderfully amazing (Libertarian) husband. On our first date we went to a hockey game, and then out for dessert. It was then, in the middle of our milkshakes, having already made our way through a few other topics of conversation, that we started to talk politics.

And that was the beginning of my Libertarian journey. I've learned a lot about the world, and about myself, in the past few years. Mostly, I've learned that I was always Libertarian and just didn't know it. Cuz, duh! Freedom of choice is one of the most important gifts we are given. It's that whole "endowed by God", "pursuit of happiness" thing. And I believe that no one, no matter how well-intentioned, has the right to take that away from me. This is the main principle of Libertarianism.

It's what the founding fathers of this nation fought the King for in the first place.


It pretty much rocks.